The Helping Hand

Deepa N Swamy
Published in
1 min readMay 27, 2022

The sky was dreary
Darkness closed in on me
I was struggling in the quicksand
Panicking and weary

The enemies were unrelenting
Poison darts came in steady
Opening up old wounds
As I pulled one, another was ready

I was supposed to use the juice
That would bring me some life
As if the ordeal were not enough
I watched the mud get inside

Muddled and befuddled
Mud here, and everywhere
Clogging my eyes, burning my voice
Burning my eyes, clogging my voice
Dazed and puzzled
My mind a whisper
Help, I need help!

They did not hear but looked
“You only need to try harder”
Befuddled, and muddled, Try what?
The nectar is dirty
My tools are worn out
The battery is low
I am switching off

“Don’t be lazy, Come on”
Oh no, they did not know!
That I could not use the juice
That I was holding tightly
That it was useless
Leaving me befud…muddd..



Deepa N Swamy

Entrepreneur, Family person, Nature lover, Seeker, Newbie Poet & Writer