We Are Travelling.

Yes, we are!!

Neera Handa Dr


A Prose Poem

Image created by Author on Night Cafe.

Going from A to Z

in and out,

out and about,

or going around

in circles,

round and round!

We are all travelling!

Image created by Author on Nightcafe

All things!

the sun

the moon

the earth and we,

the earthlings!

No matter, what happens, no matter, what doesn’t!

We keep going!

Image created by Author on Night café

Though, sometimes, it feels,

we aren’t moving,

that we,

and the world we live in,

are standing still.

But no, the world around

is moving, it is going,

And so are we,



Neera Handa Dr

Top writer in poetry & Sustainability, compulsive writer, reading, writing just about anything. I write daily, have published a PhD, a book & academic articles.