What Do Your Scerets Reveal About You?

should you spill the beans



Photo by Henri Pham on Unsplash

Imagine if we were all trees
With branches yielding secrets instead of fruits
Would you be ok if someone picked them a few
What would they think of your ability to bear good fruit

What if every secret grew as an outgrowth
A visible extension of the skin
Anytime you tried to cut them away
They would regrow
Remaining attached to you by all means

What would the world think
If they knew what you did
The bigoted thoughts that came to your mind
Would they ever speak to you if they heard
The callous words that gladly rolled off your tongue

There are also the circumstances you’ve endured
Things done to you behind closed doors
The ones you dare not speak of
And the times when you couldn’t
Stop your eyes from becoming a waterfall

We may think our secrets are buried deep
Held within the roots of our individual trees
They don’t always need to be revisited




Enjoys writing poetry but also creative fiction and nonfictional pieces! Creativity bleeds through me and that includes art!