Words Of Gratitude

A personal thank you note



Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

You stepped out into battle
Every day unafraid
Some battles you won
Some you lost
You continued, never giving up

For living through the chaos
For all the risks you took
I am awarding you a medal of honor
You are a brave soldier

I want you to know
You are beautiful inside and out
A force to be reckoned with
Your presence is felt all around

I appreciate how open you are
Your weakness you’ve worn on your sleeves
Your willingness to forgive
How selfless you are when you give

I don’t tell you enough
How much you mean to me
You are one of the most precious beings
You’re capable of anything

I want to say thank you
You deserve all the praise
For how far you’ve come
Despite the struggles you faced




Enjoys writing poetry but also creative fiction and nonfictional pieces! Creativity bleeds through me and that includes art!