You Are My Home

A poem.

Mihika Jindal Gaharwar
Jun 30, 2022


Photo by Anastasia Sklyar on Unsplash

Everything is easier when you’re home,
Because what is home if not for you?

What is home anyway?
A distant place where I can feel okay.
‘Coz the cement walls feel aloof, the rug feels austere,
stiff feels that shelf loaded with souvenir.

Then you come along and set me free,
with you around, I can be me.
No worries plague my mind, I feel light
no internal discords, no demons to fight

The demons that have kept me on toes for years,
building skyscrapers on feeble fears.
But all that dissipates when I’m with you
you’re my home, my haunt, my ultimate milieu.



Mihika Jindal Gaharwar

Perpetually amused by complexity of humans and human relations. Hustle culture is an elaborate scam. Lately been deep diving inwards. Compulsive storyteller.