Be the change you want to See

Published in
4 min readMay 27, 2017



LifeMaker is the life-changer game app that helps you

“Be the change you want to see in the world!”

The Single Player mode (@MAN, read atman) is an offline tutorial focused on self-development and fulfillment of personal life goals.

In MultiPlayer mode (#RAM, read ashram), you can exchange help, knowledge and resources with a social network of change-makers and activists worldwide.



01. LifeSpirit

Right from the Sign Up process and throughout your player experience, you’ll be guided by the game’s AI: LifeSpirit.

You can choose your favorite avatar and customize its psychological type according to your needs.

In the future we want to integrate speech recognition software to make LifeSpirit even more friendly and interactive!

02. LifeTree

Next comes your personal LifeTree.

Each of the four branches represents one essential aspect of human existence, and only by cultivating and nurturing all of them together we may achieve a harmonious and fulfilling life experience.

Our LifeTree was inspired by the ancient tradition of Purushartha, the “Art of Living”:

with healthy bodies and minds, resourceful, self-aware and responsible towards community & environment —

that’s how we want to be!

03. Log

From your @MAN, you can also keep a personal log to record memorable events along with your most intimate impressions. The main feature of the log is a 5-minute daily SelfCheck, where the LifeSpirit asks you questions about your day and then gives you advice to help you work on your weaknesses and improve your general wellbeing.

Log + SelfCheck

04. Planner


Once you’ve learned more about yourself, you can proceed to identify those life goals you always dreamt about and finally start to make them happen! LifeSpirit will guide you through a 9-step process from intention-setting into executing your action plan.

06. Tracker

A Tracker application will enable you to record and track your progress as you go along.




For the multiplayer part of the game you have to subscribe to our Network Constitution: a declaration of common values and practices, rights and responsibilities.
The LifeMaker game is based on the founding belief that Life is one — We Are One — and that we’re all evolving together in the Universe.
Therefore ego-driven emotions such as greed, envy, possessiveness and hatred are not welcome in the LifeMaker playground. Here, players score by mutual acts of love, freedom, learning and peace.

08. LifeCycle


Think of the LifeMaker ashram as the gathering space of the global alternative tribe!

We communicate by sending Smoke Signals to ask and offer help, organize events or share some quality information.
The network responds by giving you karmic feedback, which then shows up on your profile and determines your areas of expertise. You will earn GuruBadges by receiving lots of upvotes that are directly related to your work and skillset.

09. KnowledgeTree

In the #RAM there’s also a four-branched KnowledgeTree you can use to navigate the entire database archived by the network.
Each branch is a self-organizing cluster of hashtags created and maintained by the community of users.



The #RAM runs on HolyWood, the network’s digital currency.
You need to burn HolyWood in order to fire Smoke Signals and broadcast your messages to the #RAM.
Since its digital nature, HolyWood is 100% green as it doesn’t produce any exhaust gas for combustion. What’s more, the currency will be designed as an environmentally friendly blockchain that is ‘mined’ by doing useful things for the community (such as planting a tree, collecting garbage or setting up a local node in the mesh). Our aim is to generate a positive ecological footprint every time that a new HolyWood is created.



KarmaFeed is the internal feedback system that allows our network to promote good content and reject spam.

Think of it as a gratitude-based gift economy:
By giving positive karma (Thanks) you automatically gift 1 HolyWood to whom you are thanking, while in case of negative karma (No thanks) the wood gets burned. This way, players will earn trust, currency and recognition directly from the positive impact that their actions have on the world.

If you’re interested in this idea and you want to know more, please visit us at and support our launching campaign!

