LifeMaker 01

LifeMaker Blog
Published in
5 min readMay 8, 2017


With this message, we wish to warm you up a bit on LifeMaker, a vision that many of us across the world already share, but aren’t yet connected upon.

Last year we released an Alpha version of the app during HillHacks 2016 and experimented with a tribal network called Ashram (#ram), where you could basically send smoke signals by burning HolyWood (the currency) and then exchange Karmic Feedback in reward to good actions & content.

The concept has evolved since then to include tools and tips for Self Improvement and Project Management guided by the app’s chatbot (LifeSpirit) and assisted the #RAM community itself.

At HillHacks 2017 we are presenting the evolved concept and launching the first of a 2-step crowd-funding and crowd-sourcing campaign.

“Our intention is to create a decentralized internet platform able to connect and synchronize the efforts of the global alternative movement: any individual, community and organization that aims to lead humanity’s transition to a better world.”

In short, we want LifeMaker to become the open playground and co-working space of the alternative community, focused on Self Improvement (@man, Atman) and Network Collaboration (#ram, Ashram).

The LifeMaker App will eventually run on a completely decentralized infrastructure made up of local servers, or nodes, connected globally in a mesh. Members will retain ownership and control of their private information. Each member will also have a Karma score and Skill tree based on feedback from the community (#RAM), to help the network assess our trustworthiness and main areas of expertise.

The LifeSpirit (AI chatbots) and the #RAM will help people identify true life goals, and then evaluate how they are progressing towards the fulfillment of their goals and the expansion of their awareness and compassion.

Who is this for?

LifeMaker is for those who want to shape a better future for themselves and the Earth.

What is the founding belief of LifeMaker?

*We Are One. We are part of a connected and infinite web of Life, joined and made by the same thread. The separation between the Me Vs Rest is a perceptual and intellectual illusion. When one discards the filter of separation, one starts to see the Self in every living being.

In what ways will LifeMaker help you and your community?

  • Identify life goals and set intentions.
  • Fulfill goals through self effort and guidance from both the LifeSpirit (AI) and the LifeMaker community (called #RAM, pronounced as Ashram).
  • Help each other, organize events, and share interesting content in the #RAM by sending Smoke Signals of four major categories — Mind, Body, Work and Social, and extra subcategories (represented as #tags).
  • Create a system of trust — Everyone will have a public profile with Karma & Skill scores, based on feedback by the community. Find mentors (Gurus) and collaborators based on your skill requirements.
  • Learn through the KnowledgeTree, the open database democratically generated from contributions by the #RAM members, which will enable interest-based and geo-location discovery.
  • Run a green, alternative economy based on gratitude — HolyWood and Karma.
  • Retain control of your private information — host your data on personal servers connected in a distributed social network.
  • Build a global mesh network of Holons, a world federation of alternative communities connected together to form a new, resilient civilization with no single point of failure.

How will the Trust and Skill assessment work?


Any action that benefits the network’s ecosystem will increase member’s Karma score, Skill level and WoodStock (digital wallet). The actions that are destructive or not in line with the network’s values (WE), will attract negative Karma from the community. To give a feedback requires giving away one HolyWood from the giver’s stock. The feedback cost ensures a legitimate trust factor and skill assessment based on actions of members of the network.

To ensure the trust factor, an initial invite-only policy will be implemented.

The LifeMaker Trust

The LifeMaker Trust aims at promoting the network’s distribution while preserving its integrity and founding values.

The Trust will be be run as a non-profit organization. The members will cover the network operational costs. Any excess funds generated in return of using the platform, or donations, will be reinvested into LifeMaker community projects and events. We will also issue an yearly transparency report on accounting & finances.

The platform will be mostly open source, so that the user community may at all times contribute with code, designs and extensions.

Invitation and request for help

“This idea was born out of the intention to share our Love, Knowledge and Skills for the benefit of all Life — Humanity and the Universe itself.

We wish to gift this project to the world and invite everyone who would like to be part of this to help us take LifeMaker online by the end of next year. “

We are thinking of a two-step crowdfunding campaign, with the launch of the first round at the HillHacks17 camp in the Himalayas.

We need designer expertise to make an interactive prototype and a professionally made video for the bigger crowdfunding to be launched by the end of this year. The target sum of 2 Lakh Rupees (3000 US Dollars) will fund:

  • One month/full time work from the prototype designer: 1 lakh Rp
  • Videoclip Production: 50k Rp
  • Launching Event: 50k Rp

How can you help?

1. Share the crowdfunding link on your social media.

2. Follow us on Twitter and Medium.

3. Talk about this project with your friends and connect us with those who might be interested in the idea.

4. Chip in the crowdfunding campaign. Every contributor will receive a brand new LifeMaker account and a complimentary stock of HolyWood to start with.

5. Submit design proposals for the app screens & logo.

6. Help us define the technical specifications of the platform. We need expert help especially in the fields of digital currencies, distributed network topology and artificial intelligence.

7. Write blog posts and magazine articles about LifeMaker.

8. Ask us questions, or give us some feedback.

9. Join our team!

