The Yogic Core

Ayush Ghai
LifeMaker Blog
Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2017

We just concluded the first foundation meetup for Lifemaker with around 14 seeders including two elders — Anish Joel and Ranganathan Chari. We took some important decisions on the way forward. Most of them were published in the previous blog.

One of the biggest decisions was the role of the Core team — what is it, how is it formed and what is expected of it.

If Lifemaker family were a tree, the Core group would be its trunk.

The Core is a group of individuals that makes things move centrally from the network’s perspective. They are the backbone for the Lifemaker family.

The essence of Lifemaker and all Yoga, spiritual and religious teachings is Self realisation and Love.

We want to ensure we remain aligned with this spirit. In alignment with the same we have come up with the first draft of the way of living charter. The Core, since its at the centre of action, is expected to be great example of the “Lifemaker’s way of living” to the rest of the community.

Hence Lifemaker has a Yogic core.

The Core members must uphold the intention of this Yogic core with utmost and unwavering sincerity. They must be pure from heart. They are not expected to be Buddhas yet, but they are expected to uphold the Lifemaker way of living under all conditions and weather. Their lives must be dedicated to the cause of collective happiness. The core members will surely get burned in the fire of Lifemaker. In the process will be their journey to Buddhahood.

On the other hand, elders are the people we indeed see as Buddhas :)

The core will always be dynamic and flexible to include anyone who upholds the spirit of Lifemaker sincerely, is already contributing significantly and wishes to be included in the core.

The decision making will be by majority vote. At least till a more detailed constitution evolves.

The current core team

The following members formally applied as the core team and were taken in — Ayush Ghai, Federico Pecchini, Shantanu Prasad, Diana Danuso and Sreeram Pradeep. They have all been contributing in different and substantial capacity to the cause.

This was the unanimous agreement between all seeders and elders. We will show more on what the Yogic core means during our retreats and events across India in winter 2017/18. For now we leave it to your understanding and imagination.

Be blessed!

