Try These New Year’s Health Resolutions

Over at LIFE Apps, we are having a blogathon around New Year’s Resolutions related to health and how to live healthier in 2019. Do you have health aspirations for the new year? Are you looking to sleep more, stress less, improve your cardiovascular fitness or lose weight? A little research and strategizing on how you will reach your goal will go a long way in helping you be successful.

Paige Brown Jarreau
Life and Tech @ LifeOmic
3 min readJan 3, 2019


If you do one thing for your health in 2019, make it moderate to high intensity exercise — even two bouts of 4-minute high intensity exercises per day (that make you feel winded) can significantly improve your cardiovascular fitness.

Practice Intermittent Fasting

Fasting is a popular approach to weight loss and lean mass gains, but it’s also an intervention for metabolic health that has garnered much scientific research focus. The fasted body is “on fire” with greater insulin sensitivity, more fat burning activity, a healthier gut microbiome, increased autophagy or cellular component recycling, reduced inflammation, lowered cholesterol and more.

Learn more about fasting for weight loss, as well as how fasting can be leveraged for health benefits ranging from improved glucose control to reduced normal cell toxicity during cancer therapy:


“Exercise and nutrition are likely to be the best interventions for aging that we will have for a long time to come.” — Eric Verdin, Buck Institute for Research on Aging

We know that exercise is one of the best things we can do for our health and that it’s never too late to start. But what types of exercise are best to do as we age to stave of cardiovascular diseases and other diseases of aging?

Researchers at the Cardiac Exercise Research Group (CERG) are tackling this question with their Generation100 study. They are finding great benefits of both moderate and high intensity exercise, but high intensity exercise may provide larger health benefits than moderate exercise for the same amount of time. In other words, it’s good to get your heart rate up and push yourself, no matter your age. You may be rewarded with many added years of healthy life.

Check your fitness level with the CERG Fitness Calculator, and make a resolution to move more in 2019!

Sleep, Meditate, Eat More Fruits and Veggies

Other New Year’s Resolutions that can substantially improve your health and your healthspan include dedicating more time to sleep and a regular healthy sleep routine, practicing mindfulness for stress reduction, and eating more fruits and veggies. Learn more about each of these health interventions and how to get started at → Learn.



Paige Brown Jarreau
Life and Tech @ LifeOmic

#SciComm nerd. Intermittent Faster. Director of Social Media for @LifeOmic. I’m a science blogger, blog researcher and social media consultant. Ask me anything!