Binding Java and Swift libraries for Xamarin projects

Sarai Díaz
Liferay Mobile
Published in
5 min readApr 24, 2018

Previously, we talked about how market is really fragmented right now because there isn’t any popular hybrid framework. We kept an eye on some of the most popular frameworks like React Native, Nativescript, Ionic2 and Xamarin. We did a prototype with Nativescript and it worked fine but we think that the use of native libraries with this technology isn’t mature enough. If you want to know how these frameworks work underneath and their pros and cons, read this article 🔖

Since I started with hybrid frameworks, I have another point of view of how other developers work with other technology or language and also how I feel working outsite my comfort zone. We usually work with Java for Android, Swift for iOS and this year we built a hybrid solution for our framework using JavaScript and CSS. But, we have never tried some cross-compile framework. So, we decided to give Xamarin a chance! 😀

We presented Liferay Screens for Xamarin in DEVCON 2017 (Amsterdam)

“We want to help people develop their apps easier and faster. Liferay Screens is our solution. Since 2017, you don’t have to choose between native and hybrid, you can use both at the same time!”

When we met Xamarin

The team decided to implement a prototype in Xamarin, but we didn’t know this framework very well. So, first of all, we had to know what language we had to use, how it worked, and how we could use Liferay Screens using the native part, so we didn’t have to code everything again.

Official documentation

Xamarin has a lot of documentation and you have to read it at least twice, if not more, just to connect all the dots and realise what you’re doing. We need to know some things before starting:

When we did our first steps and wrote some C# code, we were prepared to start our binding library but…Surprise, surprise!

Officially, Xamarin does not support binding Swift libraries.

And now, what?

Ok, that’s awful, but it’s not the end of the world. Let’s investigate!

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

We talked with the community about binding Swift libraries and everybody seemed to be very lost. You would think that no one had done this before (some people in Objective-C, right, but not in Swift). I kept investigating and I found a post in StackOverflow related to what I wanted to do. This was really exciting and I did everything step by step to get my C# library.

The post was moved to Medium:

First binding draft

When we had our first draft of the library, with only two or three classes, we decided to test it. We created a new Xamarin project, installed the NuGet package and…It failed.

At this point, we read the documentation about error codes and binding troubleshooting. And we had to add this information to the previous one:

Putting everything together

At that moment, we had everything we really needed to implement our library. So, we started the whole implementation:

  1. Create the .aar (for Java binding) and .framework (for Swift binding) files from native code.
  2. Create an empty binding library for Android in Visual Studio and add the .aar. Mono framework will create the C# classes for us (as many as it can).
  3. Create a fat library for iOS. It will contain x86 and arm architectures.
  4. Use Objective Sharpie ( sharpie bind ) to autogenerate C# classes for iOS. We can create them from a Pod or from a .h file. This command will create two files: ApiDefinitions.cs and StrucsAndEnums.cs .
  5. Create an empty binding library for iOS in Visual Studio and add the files we created on step 4.
  6. Rebuild and check everything is ok. If there are some errors, we can check them directly in Visual Studio or in the documentation.

We worked hard and finally we created a binding library from our native one.

Liferay Screens for Xamarin 1.0.0 was released on January the 16th

This was really amazing because we didn’t know anything about C#, nor Xamarin, nor binding a library and here we are, with our library released and ready to be used. Finally, we reached our goal and we created a library without implementing everything again. It was hard and it took almost 4 months but now everyone can use it and this is what we love most! 😍

Binding troubleshooting

The steps to create a binding library are annoying and it’s very easy to get angry 😠 and not understand what’s going on, what’s the meaning of an error, why it’s not working and so on 😫

  1. Do not despair and take a deep breath 🙌
  2. It’s necessary to know and use the “Xamarin steps” (this is what our team named it! 😂). Those steps are: clean the project several times, open closed project, open closed the simulator, uninstall the app in the simulator, and the most important one, delete the obj and bin folders.
  3. Xamarin.iOS crashes unexpectedly without any error messages in the console: check the log file; on Mac OS, do this via the Console app; on Windows, use the Event Viewer. In the Mac OS app, you must click User Reports and then look for your app’s name. Note that there may be more than one log file.
  4. At the moment, it’s necessary to add Swift runtime NuGet packages (available for Swift 3 and Swift 4) to our Xamarin project. This will increase the size of the final app.

Sample projects 📱

It may also help to investigate Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS sample apps developed by Liferay. Both are good examples of how to use the Screenlets, Views (Android), and Themes (iOS):

If you want to read more about Liferay Screens for Xamarin, you can read our official documentation:

If you have any questions about how to install it or how to use it, just post it in our forums. We will gladly help you 😀

If you’re thinking about creating a binding library and you don’t want to get angry, please read this article first. Then, write your doubts or questions, I will be really happy to assist you.

If you already have a binding library, share your experience with others 👍

Give me a 👏 with all your ❤️ if you like the post. Hugs also welcomed 🤗

Thanks for reading.




Sarai Díaz
Liferay Mobile

Hey! I’m a mobile developer in @liferay_es. I love tech, programming, travel, music and animals.