Image credit: Renault et al. (CC BY 4.0)

How do bacteria make flagella?

Simple biophysical principles underly how bacteria make tail-like filaments that allow them to move.

3 min readApr 12, 2017


Most bacteria are able to move in a directed manner towards nutrients or other locations of interest. Many move by rotating long tail-like filaments called flagella that stick out from the cell. The flagellum is a remarkably complex nanomachine. It is several times longer than the main body of the bacterial cell body and its external filament is made of thousands of building blocks of a single protein called flagellin. This protein is made inside the cell and a structure at the base of the flagellum known as a type III secretion system uses chemical energy to pump it out of the cell so that it can be incorporated into the growing flagellum. The exported building blocks travel through a narrow channel within the flagellum and self-assemble at the tip.

It has been a mystery for several decades how bacteria manage to assemble the building blocks of flagella outside of the cell, where no discernible energy source is available. Thibaud Renault and colleagues used mathematical modeling, biochemical and microscopy techniques to observe how the flagella of a bacterium called Salmonella enterica assemble in real time. The experiments demonstrate that simple biophysical principles regulate the assembly of the flagellum. The building blocks are pumped into the channel of the flagellum by the type III secretion system and then diffuse to the tip of the filament. Accordingly, the longer the flagellum gets, the slower it grows. This molecular mechanism also explains why the growth of bacterial flagella will eventually stop even without any other control mechanisms in place.

Further work will be needed to understand how the type III secretion system harnesses chemical energy to drive the movement of flagellin out of the cell into the growing flagellum. A molecular understanding of these processes will aid the design of new antibiotics targeted against type III secretion systems.

To find out more

Read the eLife research paper on which this eLife digest is based: “Bacterial flagella grow through an injection-diffusion mechanism” (March 6, 2017).

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