A sliced rat β-cell showing its insulin granules as dark black spots surrounded by a white area called a halo. Each granule is labeled with a colored border. Image credit: Tim McClanahan (Public domain)

In or out?

Two common anti-diabetic drugs may have unexpected outcomes on the amount of insulin released by β-cells.

2 min readAug 20, 2019


Insulin is the hormone that signals to the body to take up sugar from the blood. Specialized cells in the pancreas — known as β-cells — release insulin after a meal. Before that, insulin molecules are stored in tiny granules inside the β-cells; these granules must fuse with the cells’ surface membranes to release their contents. The first step in this process creates a narrow pore that allows small molecules, but not the larger insulin molecules, to seep out. The pore then widens to release the insulin. Since the small molecules are known to act locally in the pancreas, it is possible that this “molecular sieve” is biologically important. Yet it is not clear how the pore widens.

One of the problems for people with type 2 diabetes is that they release less insulin into the bloodstream. Two kinds of drugs used to treat these patients work by stimulating β-cells to release their insulin. One way to achieve this is by raising the levels of a small molecule called cAMP, which is well known to help prepare insulin granules for release. The cAMP molecule also seems to slow the widening of the pore, and Gucek et al. have now investigated how this happens at a molecular level.

By observing individual granules of human β-cells using a special microscope, Gucek et al. could watch how different drugs affect pore widening and content release. They also saw that cAMP activated a protein called Epac2, which then recruited two other proteins — amisyn and dynamin — to the small pores. These two proteins together then closed the pore, rather than expanding it to let insulin out. Type 2 diabetes patients sometimes have high levels of amisyn in their β-cells, which could explain why they do not release enough insulin. The microscopy experiments also revealed that two common anti-diabetic drugs activate Epac2 and prevent the pores from widening, thereby counteracting their positive effect on insulin release. The combined effect is likely a shift in the balance between insulin and the locally acting small molecules.

These findings suggest that two common anti-diabetic drugs activate a common mechanism that may lead to unexpected outcomes, possibly even reducing how much insulin the β-cells can release. Future studies in mice and humans will have to investigate these effects in whole organisms.

