I Had My Birthday Party at Costco

Anna Martinez
Life’s Funny
Published in
3 min readJun 18, 2020


No better way to spend my sweet 16!

Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash

I love Costco. I mean what’s not to love? Food in bulk, low prices, free samples — the list goes on. The simple joy of discovering new products or seeing your favorite brand pop up at Costco is entertaining in itself. Don’t even get me started with the food court.

My love for Costco started at a young age. My grandpa is probably a bigger Costco fan than I am and I was influenced by his fandom.

When I was in kindergarten, I spent my mornings with my grandparents before I had to report in for afternoon class. Even though my grandparents did not need to be buying in bulk for just the two of them, that didn’t stop him from making weekly Costco trips.

My grandma limited him to one Costco trip a week. I often went with him. On Thursdays, my grandma went and played cards with her friends, leaving my grandpa to take care of me. What she didn't know was that on Thursdays, we would usually take a second trip to Costco for the week. My grandpa and I would share a smoothie from the food court so I always enjoyed the trip.

Fast forward to my teen years and my love for Costco had only grown. I never missed a trip to Costco. I even encouraged my family to go to Costco’s on vacation to see how each one was different. (We went to one in Canada that sold poutine in…

