My Dual Life as a Runway Model and Conceal Carrier

Life is crazy

Prisca Bejjani
Life’s Funny


Model: Prisca Bejjani Photographer:Ashraf Faden

I don’t even know how I got into this, really.

Most days I feel like I’m walking a tightrope, and the dualistic lifestyle cracks me up. I don’t even know why I did the application for the runway show. Most designers want female models who are at least 5'9", and I’m two inches short of that. It’s hilarious enough my wanting to conceal carry, as I’m only 115 lbs, and have been described as a walking toothpick, but guns are a great leveler between good and bad guys.

The dichotomy alone would have been enough to cause eye rolls, but it seems as if every day lined up opportunities to remind me how crazy life is.

One day, I was notified that I was accepted to audition, and the next, I got my pistol.

During the next week, I had the pressure to 1) practice my runway walk and 2) finish the conceal carry class, both before their due date. (In the state I live in, you can purchase a firearm, but of course not carry it until you complete your training.)

On the last day before the audition, I finished my conceal carry class, and the shoes I needed to wear arrived in the mail an hour later. Very thankfully, they fit.



Prisca Bejjani
Life’s Funny

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