My Account Was Hacked

And it freaked me out!

Linda Horton
Life’s Funny


Photo by Adrianna Clavijo on Unsplash

It’s been more than a year since I’ve done anything with I still have a profile on there, but it’s inactive, and set so nobody can see it. You just never know, I might go back to it someday, and I don’t want to start from scratch. So if I ever decide to do it again, I’ll just have to update my photos (yes, I will look like my online dating profile photos) and I’m good to go.

So imagine my surprise today when I woke up to have more than 20 messages from different guys responding to my profile! I recognize some of the guys from before (dude, you’ve had the same profile pic up for 12 years now), and several of the messages are from one guy (one I’ve never seen before). Why is the one guy writing multiple messages? So many questions!

Why are they writing to me?? Even when I was active, I never had 20 guys writing messages to me in a few hours time. I mean, they don’t even write messages normally, they just do that stupid wink, or flirt, or whatever the hell it’s called (eliminating them instantly, if they can’t even compose a sentence to get my attention.).

My mind came up with many paranoid possibilities, as my mind tends to do. My first thought was of my old boyfriend (who I met on match). Today is the anniversary of when we met — our first date! Oh man…



Linda Horton
Life’s Funny

Born a photographer, but prone to writing haiku on public transportation, or baking things. Death Doula in training.