Life’s Melancholy Business

It’s a Prosthetic for My Brain

Annette Lyon
Life’s Melancholy Business
10 min readAug 9, 2018


I am not big into fads. Like really not into them. If something seems overly popular, I’m more likely to avoid it than to give it a fair chance. I’m stubborn that way.

But when I hear the same kind of report from a variety of sources, and from totally different areas of my life, from people with varying personalities, I finally give in and pay attention. Such was the case with the Bullet Journal fad.

The author’s bullet journal as pictured June 2018 in all its messy glory.

And in the case of the Bullet Journal (which my accountability partner Luisa Perkins and I lovingly refer to as a BuJo), I’m so, so glad I did.

No, wait. Hear me out.

I was skeptical too. After all, I’m different from a lot of people. Okay, from most people. In addition to being stubborn, I have a good dose of ADHD, and therefore my brain works differently. I just don’t mesh with most people’s ideas of planners and calendars and trackers and just . . . blech.

On the other hand, since joining forces with Luisa as accountability partners several years ago, I had learned the value of breaking down goals into manageable pieces and in making actual lists.

But it took Luisa using a BuJo and insisting I try one, and my young adult daughter trying one to finally give it a shot.



Annette Lyon
Life’s Melancholy Business

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