Becoming LIFESMART with a Daily Routine

2 min readNov 15, 2021

Bhuvaneshwari Kartikeyan

Indeed daily routine deserves more credit than it gets…

What happens in a daily routine is that it sets patterns that are predictable initially and as and when mastered provides confidence in exploration and curiosity of what’s beyond the now and happening,

A daily routine helps in building a motor thinking coordination that needs conscious effort initially that with time becomes subconscious and subtle, giving way to multitasking abilities

Daily routine sets an inbuilt system of trials and errors and adjustments and readjustment of multi cognitive, social and communicative experiences

When in rhythm with the cosmos, this link helps one blend in and be part of and feel in sync within self(self regulation) and in sync with the environment/society around one(coregulation)

The daily rhythm encourages abstract thoughts and higher order thinking, planning, organizing, flexibility, accommodation, choice-making, multi tasking and implementing of own life and actions in tune with the society and opportunities one sees

Daily routine aids in increased nonverbal cueing in a most natural manner

Daily routine minimizes verbal, ambiguous, inconsistent and unpredictable variability in the environment.

This leads to basic needs being met that leads to a happy, stable, content, independent development and trust between person and surrounding

Daily routine help sets in a role model of expression of own feelings, emotions TO and understanding of same FROM the environment

Daily rhythm helps build a healthy safe mutually respectful and sensitive equation between individual and system they dwell in

This further eliminates the 2 way possibilities of threat, frustration and uncertainty between person and environment




Professor, home educator, and entrepreneur. Developer of the LIFESMART philosophy and approach to learning.