Our 100-Day Project Journey

4 min readNov 7, 2021

Manju Iyer & Lavanya Iyer

Why I chose 100 days Project ?

Yes, I chose 100 days project because even though I knew the best route for Lavanya and myself. I was stuck at a point as I knew my weakness is forming and following a daily, structured routine. I have been fortunate to come in contact with Dr. Dasaratha Rama through LifeSmart group. I settled with the idea of 100 days project from there and started working on forming and implementing it one by one.

Personal projects:

Project 1 : 100 Day of a learning a new language ( we choose Sanskrit ) :

  • Why Sanskrit :

Lavanya loves Indian Epics, Vedas, Upanishads. When she came to know about Sanskrit she showed interest to learn.

  • Where have we reached with the language :

We have completed 60 days of learning Sanskrit.

You can check our documentation here for Sanskrit :


Project 2 : 100 days of Gardening.

  • Why Gardening ?

Gardening was on my mind for long time and I wanted to learn proper method of Gardening along with my daughter so that we can learn a new skill which is always helpful in making us self sufficient. Lavanya loves nature and she was more than happy to participate.

  • Where we have reached :

We have completed 80 days of Gardening. I am sharing a picture of the harvesting of spinach.

So the process we followed together was :

  1. Watching youtube videos together to learn the process.
  2. Ordering seeds and Vermicompost
  3. Digging out soil to make it loose and mixing it with vermicompost and soil in required proportions.
  4. Watering the plants daily.
  5. Harvesting.

I did try many other projects but due to lack of motivation for both of us we dropped it in some days and stuck with only 2 for now…

Autism Community 100-Day Projects :

As a team we started with a youtube channel to share our ideas and I was explaining and she was helping me with the demonstration. I was very motivated and did a lot of videos in the starting but then slowly I started getting diverted to other things, and youtube took a back seat.

When I started personal projects for Lavanya, it made me realise that I should again start with youtube videos so that not only Lavanya but all our children can benefit. The 100 days project came very handy again and I turned the whole youtube playlists into various 100 day projects. One realisation happened during the planning that I cannot concentrate on multiple projects.. So I decided to go one by one slowly and steadily.

Autism Community Project 1 :

100 days of Gratitude :


We are finished with this project in whatsapp group. The above playlist has the videos qe made to support the project.

Autism Community Project 2 :

100 days of Art, Craft and Sensory play :

This is an ongoing project and we have completed full 10 days.

Total 500 parents are together with us in 2 whatsapp groups and many of them are actively participating with kids and sending their work too and if any parent still feels like joining then I am sending the 3rd group link to join :


You can also check the activities done until now here :

100 days of Art, Craft & Sensory play:


Some important tips for parents to choose and continue 100 day project :

  1. I suggest you to check our playlist to get an idea of different 100 days projects possible as I am doing for the community, as this will help you think. : https://youtube.com/c/ManjuIyer
  2. To choose a 100 day project, first make a list of areas and topics you want to cover for your child.
  3. After you have decided, please do not try to do a lot in the starting days. It is always better to start slow and for ber less time as it will keep you and and the child calm and stress free.
  4. When you slowly move forward with the project, a time will come when you will feel like not continuing so remember its okay to take a break for 2 to 3 days and start fresh. Another best option is to do it from Monday to Friday and take 2 days gap on weekends and restart on week days again. Or choose every weekend to do the project. I have applied these ideas for myself and my daughter and it has worked for me.

In future I am looking forward to do many such 100 day projects for both of us. We will keep sharing it with all of you so that all of us can benefit together.

Any doubts please feel free to ask in the Lifesmart group.

Take care all.

Manju Iyer.




Professor, home educator, and entrepreneur. Developer of the LIFESMART philosophy and approach to learning.