Three Groundbreaking Longevity Startups

Steve Hill
Published in
6 min readJan 10, 2020


There are lots of exciting companies working in the aging field, and it’s a great time to tell you about some of the more interesting ones. Most of these companies are a while away from human trials yet, but their innovations could possibly be truly game changing.

Underdog Pharmaceuticals

Underdog Pharmaceuticals is a spin-off company of SENS Research Foundation and is developing a novel approach to treating atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis is the number one killer worldwide, and it currently has no totally effective solution. There are three ways in which current medicine tries to address it: Lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise; drugs that slow down the rate of cholesterol accumulation; and interventions such as stents and bypass surgery.

None of these approaches really addresses the root problem nor cures the disease, which is why Underdog Pharmaceuticals’ proposal is so compelling.

Underdog is developing a therapeutic approach that could potentially prevent or reverse atherosclerosis by removing a harmful lipid known as 7-ketocholesterol (7KC) from the arterial walls.

What is 7-ketocholesterol?

7KC is a harmful, oxidized byproduct of cholesterol. It is highly toxic with no redeeming qualities…



Steve Hill

A scientific writer focusing on the topic of rejuvenation biotechnology and aging research. Board member at the research fundraising platform.