A Letter from Time

Savan Patel
Published in
3 min readApr 25, 2017
Time is but infinite.

Hello Dear Nagging Friend of mine!

You might be surprised whether we know each other? Have we had any correspondence in past? The answer I would say is Yes and No. Well I must admit, its been just one way communication, myself being the silent one in it.

Well I am Time. Writing from the future. The world has changed in many spectacular ways by now and yet hasn’t changed in many ways. There is better of everything: peace, healthcare etc. and yet I still have millions of one way communication from your little tiny blue planet. As usual, I haven’t replied them as well.

The moments I am writing this to you is also a very of the last ones after in which you are crying out inside with “If I only had more time..”. Continuum is what I should be in and mustn't stop. I like to steal few moments to out of me and write to few things in hope that you would not whine your life or perhaps less. And that would mean watching one less moment in disappointed face while counting last breadth.

While you are still younger, full of energy; let me draw you attention to few points in life that would make and help you feel better every day. Ponder upon the things below and I hope that they benefit you.

Things that Matter

Talk to people you love. Don’t take them for granted. Appreciate the their care for you.

Its okay to skip a Netflix show over a telephone call from your Parents. You may never know when it can turn to be the last call for life is short and full of uncertainties.

Take care of your Health

Health is wealth. There’s no second opinion on it.

While its very much important to collect wealth in this capitalism world, taking care of health is equal important. Healthy eating habits, regular exercise would help you in long run. Additionally it would benefit you physically and mentally as well.

Learn to cut down on things that don’t matter.

Ask yourself everyday: the actions that you are talking, how will they affect you in next five years.

While there are lot of things and activities that seems luring, one must learn to control their senses. That’s what differentiates between a normal person and a successful one. Cut down the crap from your life.

And then you will notice, you have lot of time to feed the things that matter.

Shape your life and don’t let life shape you.

Take control of your life. Take full responsibility for the things that happen to you. Limit bad habits and try to lead a healthier life. Find a sport that makes you happy. Most of all, don’t procrastinate.

Let your life be shaped by decisions you made, not by the ones you didn’t.

And lastly,

Give back

Lastly, give back to society you live in , in some or other form. Help out people in all possible manner you can.

I hope these points shall help you. I will keep writing to you if needed be. Let me say farewell to you as of now.



Savan Patel

Computer Engineer. Just started exploring machine learning.