5 simple ways your organization can win more awards.

LifeSpeak Inc.


We were delighted to learn a couple months back that dozens of our clients had been recognized as one of Canada’s Top 100 Employers and/or Canada’s Best Employers for 2017. It’s no small feat to earn these accolades, and we’re honored to work with such renowned and respected organizations. They work hard to create professional environments that are welcoming, healthy, and supportive of their employees, and it’s great to see them celebrated for their efforts. If you’re wondering how your organization can start getting noticed as an enticing place to work, here are some pointers.

  1. Start a wellness program. You don’t have to create anything convoluted or fancy; just stick to the basic goal of helping employees live healthier lives. There are a number of ways you can do this. If your staff is mostly located in one central office, you may consider offering nutritious meals or puppy therapy during breaks. Other localized options include securing a corporate rate on gym memberships, or doing team activities like gratitude challenges. For more dispersed employee populations, digital wellness programs can scale very well because they enable staff to access health resources such as videos and tip sheets anytime, anywhere.
  2. Focus on total well-being. Sometimes we forget there’s more to health than having a particular weight and body mass index. Truly healthy employees are both physically and mentally well, which means your program must also address their psychological well-being. Provide them with the tools they need to maintain good mental health, like information on where to find therapists, get counselling, relieve stress, and any other resources they may need.
  3. Collect feedback from your employees regularly. Instead of making assumptions, ask your employees what they would like to see in your program. Check back often even after it’s up and running to see what’s working and what could be improved. Using advice from your staff will save you time and effort while making sure they get the help they actually need.
  4. Make access easy and efficient. User-friendliness is a huge factor when it comes to program adoption. Design your wellness offering so your employees can’t resist using it, either by naturally incorporating it into their day (ex: massage therapy at lunch), or if the resources are digital, ensuring they’re properly formatted for any computer, tablet, or mobile device and can be found 24/7.
  5. Encourage sharing and discussion. One of the best ways to maintain consistent program use is to openly talk about it with your employees. Let them know they can feel comfortable discussing things they’ve learned from the resources, and encourage them to continuously check back for new information. Sometimes people are reluctant to seek assistance, especially when mental health is concerned, but this reassurance will help them take the necessary steps to achieving optimal wellness.

We can help your organization stand out

When employees are fully healthy, they feel more positive and perform better at work. Not only does this make for a pleasant work environment, but it also allows organizations to reduce healthcare spending, presenteeism, absenteeism, and turnover. If you want your organization to thrive, our platform can certainly boost the well-being of your staff. It contains 1500+ videos, podcasts, and tip sheets on dozens of topics, from fitness and nutrition to parenting, mental health, and professional development. To learn more, book a demo today.

Originally published at LifeSpeak.



LifeSpeak Inc.

Life doesn’t stop when you get to work. Our digital platform helps your people improve themselves so that can be focused, present and productive.