100+ Things To Be Grateful For

It’s easy to take things for granted. Here is a reminder of 100+ things to be grateful for in life.

Samira Holma
Lifestyle Design & Location Independence
8 min readNov 1, 2020


Research shows that those who practice gratitude are more optimistic and feel better about their lives.

Gratitude can improve your health, your relations, your happiness, and help you get through difficult situations.

By recognizing that some of the great things that happen to you are external, you can also connect to something larger than yourself. Such as nature, other people, or whatever power you believe in.

Sounds pretty good, right? Here are 100+ things to be grateful for.

  1. A perfectly-made coffee in the morning.
  2. Those extremely comfortable beds where everything is perfect. From the mattress and the sheets to the pillows.
  3. Dinner with best friends where time (and wine) just seem to disappear.
  4. Quality time with family members you genuinely enjoy hanging out with.
  5. All the amazing food in the world. Japanese, Brazilian, Mexican, Indian, Italian, Spanish, Peruvian… I could go on and on.
  6. Internet. Do you remember what the world was like before?
  7. Easily accessible information. From getting up to speed on your new project or destination to learning random facts. Who knows it all? Google. Ops, sorry. You do.
  8. Technology in general that makes life easier and better. From computers, 5G, health monitors, Artificial Intelligence, and you name it.
  9. Travel. Well, before COVID-19 at least. What else teaches you about so many different things so quickly?
  10. Social networks and how easy it is to connect and stay in touch with people all over the world.
  11. Being in good health. Nothing really matters if you’re not.
  12. A great workout. When you’re in the zone and feel like you could go on forever.
  13. Running to your favorite song. I could probably double the distance if the music is just right.
  14. Music in general. Your favorite, finding new music that really catches you, when Spotify recommends just the right songs.
  15. Deep conversations with great company. Does life exist on other planets? What happens after death? What’s the meaning of life? Lots of great ideas coming up here.
  16. Wine. It’s always a great idea. Red, white, rosé. Makes a great combination with #15 on the list.
  17. Checking something off your bucket list. Whether it’s the carnival in Rio or eating shrimps for the first time.
  18. Adrenaline rushes. Bungy jumps, skydiving, an ice bath, a horror movie?
  19. Great ideas. From world-changing ideas such as how to provide drinking water, to Google and peanut butter. Forever grateful.
  20. Being able to fulfill your most basic needs on a regular basis. That puts you in a privileged position in comparison with millions of other people that aren’t able to do so.
  21. Starry skies. One of those things that never “gets old”. Combine it with #15 and #16 for an upgraded experience.
  22. Magical sunsets. Especially at those places where everyone stops for a while just to watch it.
  23. Beach days, because life is better on the beach.
  24. Stunning places. Ranging from charming spots in your hometown to majestic, surreal places that you can’t believe exist, even if you’re right there. Like the Grand Canyon or Patagonia.
  25. A good massage. I wouldn’t mind one every day. Full-body or the one you get at the hairdresser. It’s reason alone to go to the hairdresser.
  26. Nature. Love places that make you forget everything else for a while and remind you of how small you are.
  27. Your favorite cocktail, perfectly made.
  28. When all the traffic lights turn green. Just like Queen, you know it’s going to be a beautiful day.
  29. When they open a new cashier at the supermarket at just the right time. No waiting for you.
  30. Dancing with someone you have a great connection with. Don’t mind one more song.
  31. An open fire or a cozy fireplace on a cold day. It’s something about fire.
  32. Art in all its forms and all the creatives behind it. Be it theater, music, design.
  33. The fact that we live in an era where it’s allowed to focus on “finding yourself” and”realizing your dreams”. It wasn’t an option for granny.
  34. Sunshine. When you wake up, look out from the window and blue skies are all you see.
  35. When you make it home just before it starts to rain. Must be karma.
  36. Rainy days and candled lights. How lovely is rain when you’re inside?
  37. Cozy date nights with your Mr/Ms. Right or Right Now. If you’re enjoying it at the moment, it doesn’t matter how long it will last.
  38. Brunch with great company. Eat as much as you want while catching up on life.
  39. Friendly strangers. A smile and a hi goes a long way.
  40. Inspirational people in your field. Cool entrepreneurs, marketers, or whatever that get you excited. The Rocky of your niche. Thanks for the lessons.
  41. Sleeping like a baby. Especially when you need to catch up on sleep. Wake up. Feel amazing.
  42. Being back to yourself after having been sick or hungover. Life is so easy now.
  43. Some precious my-time. Meditation, a walk, your favorite podcast, or whatever that gives you energy.
  44. Chocolate. In all its forms.
  45. Cheese. Because most things get better if you add it.
  46. A great book that really catches you and, who knows, maybe even makes you question the way you think.
  47. Being single and able to enjoy all kinds of fun in whatever ways you want.
  48. Favorite clothes that always make you feel great and hot.
  49. Delicious craft beer. The craft beer trend got my permission to continue to evolve forever.
  50. Watching an exciting game of your favorite sport. Yes, I scream when my favorite team scores even if I’m alone.
  51. Watching someone who’s really good at what they do. Whether it’s a business presentation, the Nobel Prize winner, a chef, a saxophone performance, or someone who really knows how to go down…the stairs.
  52. Visiting a place you’ve always wanted to go to. I’ll never forget my first time in Rio or Santorini.
  53. The feeling when you’re realizing a goal you’ve worked hard for. A sales goal, quitting a bad habit, or managed to adapt to a new, good one? It’s a reason to celebrate.
  54. Your birthday. Celebrating the most important day in your life. Because if you were not here, nothing else in your life would really matter. Or be here. Well, at least not from your perspective.
  55. The power you have to affect the quality of your life. It’s amazing when you realize how much you can do about how you feel.
  56. Laughing with someone who has as great humor as you do. When you keep on building up weird scenarios in your head that make sense to both of you. No explanations needed.
  57. Live music. Whether it’s a musician on the street or a powerful concert. Priceless.
  58. A workout instructor that motivates you in just the right way and push you to do more than you thought was possible.
  59. When your song comes on at just the right time. Plus points if you share it with someone and that person also is there. Yes, it’s time for your dance.
  60. When something starts to make sense after having been confused about it for too long. Decisions are suddenly so easy.
  61. The freedom after you’ve managed to let go of something or someone who wasn’t good for you and really feel as if you’re over it. Indifference can be the best feeling.
  62. Winning. It’s just more fun than losing. Doesn’t matter as much what it is. Pool, guessing games, the almond in the Christmas porridge? I’m up for it.
  63. Great sex. Chemistry, excitement, orgasms. What not to like?
  64. All the opportunities these days. Change career? Sure. Travel the world? Why not. Change your name to Klaus-Heidi just to get a free apartment in Berlin. Yep. “Everything is possible!”
  65. Excuses to act like a kid again. Love when children visit and you “have to” go to the amusement parks. Roller Coasters. Extreme rides. Ice cream. No, we don’t need to go home early.
  66. Driving without traffic. A to the B to the C, without the J-A-M.
  67. When you finally finish that thing after having procrastinated for too long. Best feeling.
  68. Friends who love (and know how) to cook. No, I don’t mind staying for dinner to try your (insert name of an exotic dish that no one really makes at home. Apart from your friend, of course).
  69. Viewing points where you feel like staying forever. From sky bars to natural paradises. How gorgeous is the world?
  70. People who are direct, straightforward, and communicative. Thanks for saving us time.
  71. People who make you smile. From the rising star at your local stand-up comedy bar to your best friend, your new colleague, or that random person you met on the street.
  72. Difficult times that teach you something. What doesn’t kill you…
  73. Reaching your final destination after a long hike. When you take your luggage off and still feel like you have a backpack on you for the rest of the night. A beer, please. Or make it two.
  74. Cute dogs. Like my favorite here.
  75. Memories that make you smile. Many years after. Some things will never be forgotten.
  76. When you wake up, feel like sleeping more, and you can. Mmmm *back to that comfortable position*.
  77. The ability to give back. Volunteer projects or something else that lets you support causes you believe in.
  78. Eating at a really good restaurant where everything from the service to the food is an experience. Ah, this must be what heaven is like.
  79. Progress in your career. You’re getting to places you never could have imagined.
  80. Days with no musts or times to catch. Mmm, let’s see what I feel like doing.
  81. Overdue catch-up with a close friend you haven’t seen for too long.
  82. Personal development. When you’re realizing you’re becoming a better version of yourself.
  83. When you can laugh about old problems. Hm, who was that person, or what was that thing about now again? Don’t remember…
  84. Songs that take you back to a good place or phase in your life. Yeah, those were good days.
  85. New experiences. It’s something about not knowing how things will turn out.
  86. Someone doing you a favor. One thing less on the to-do list.
  87. The views that you normally take for granted, such as on the way to work.
  88. Freedom of speech. To be able to speak up and make a difference.
  89. Diversity. How boring would the world be if we were all the same?
  90. Your favorite holidays. Christmas, Midsummer, The International Margarita Day… Food, great company, quality time. I don’t mind.
  91. Modern conveniences that weren’t available before, such as electricity.
  92. Research. So much more makes sense today. Let’s keep on evolving.
  93. Efficient teamwork. Got to love it when things just go smooth. Less of those “as I mentioned in my last email…”
  94. Appreciation from others. When someone else appreciates something you’ve done, or simply you for being you.
  95. When you pick the right option. It could be anything from choosing among the options for your Friday night to bigger life events. Love when you feel that you picked the right thing.
  96. Morning walks. The tranquility before the rest of the world wakes up.
  97. Having a home where you feel safe.
  98. The ocean. It just gives you energy.
  99. Financial stability. No worries.
  100. Surprises. When someone puts in an effort to do something special for you.
  101. Waffles. One of the best things in life.

What things are you grateful for in life?



Samira Holma
Lifestyle Design & Location Independence

Design the life you want to live | Entrepreneur, Marketer, 6+ years of Full-time Travel | Personal Development, Location Independence & Entrepreneurship