Sky Candy Takes Exercise to New Heights

Alexis Green
Lifestyle Journalism
2 min readMay 16, 2019

By Alexis Green

Colorful silks hang in the air as students work on traditional workout moves from bungee ropes. Rather than running away to the circus, students can get a taste of life up in the air at Sky Candy.

Aerial Yoga combines traditional poses with Pilates, dance, and the use of hammocks. According to the American Council on Exercise, it can improve cardiorespiratory fitness and help decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease when done regularly. As aerial yoga continues to become a popular workout, people can experience moves typically seen in the circus ring at gyms.

Winnie Tsai founded Sky Candy after falling in love with the “inspiring and fun” artform. Despite her passion, the instructor felt she was not good enough and did not fit in at her studio.

“I didn’t feel the instruction I had at the time was really catered to someone who didn’t already come from a dance or gymnastics background,” Tsai said. “I really wanted to start a place that if someone wanted to do it, there were no limitations to them getting started.”

For the past nine years, she has done just that.

Ranging from dance to trapeze and exercises with hoops, Sky Candy focuses on everything within the aerial circus arts.

For those afraid of heights, this may seem like a nightmare, but the studio works hard to ensure everyone is comfortable and even instructors admit to still being frightened by the five-foot trapeze.

“I was initially intimidated and sometimes still am,” said programs director and trapeze instructor Rachael Shaw. “I wouldn’t say I am particularly scared of heights, but I am also not someone who is like ‘I like being up high.’”

Helping people with fear is why Sky Candy has trapezes that lower to the ground and allow students to get comfortable with heights.

Despite teaching classes up in the air, Sky Candy tries to remain down to earth, and Tsai said the community is the “core of their business.”

“We really couldn’t do anything without the students who are most loyal to us,” Tsai said.

The owner relies heavily on the community for inspiration about what classes to offer.

When choosing to have an Intro to Aerial for Plus-sized Bodies class, Tsai initially felt hesitant about the idea. However, it was met with a lot of support by customers who were looking for spaces open to all body types.

“Another big part of listening to our community is figuring out how to create those safe spaces,” Tsai said.

Beyond the apparatuses and circus-like theme, the ability to create a safe environment where all people are welcomed is the heart of Sky Candy.

“There’s very little that we have not seen before and very few that we have not worked with before, so if you want to do it come and try it out,” Tsai said. “We are here for you.”

Sky Candy is located at 1023 Springdale Road, 8A Austin, TX 78721. Information about bookings for private events or lessons, drop-in classes, and workshops is available on their website.

