What’s Your Venture?

Think like a child, just go for it!

David Lano
Lifestyle & Learning


Just for a second, think back to your childhood. Back to the good ol’ days, when your only stress was combating boredom and convincing your parents to let you stay up just 15 minutes longer…Okay, you there? Good.

Now, if your mind hasn’t been completely brainwashed by your adult life and all of it’s responsibilities and pressures, consider these questions while thinking back on your childhood:

  1. What got your blood pumping when you first woke up in the morning?
  2. What did you day dream about?
  3. Did you “have a plan” — something you couldn’t explain to anyone because it didn’t make sense logically (at least to them) but desperately wanted to pursue?
  4. Do you remember when you first learned how to ride a bike? That incredible sense of freedom and overcoming fear?
  5. Did you have a ridiculous sense of optimism and bravery?

No doubt you’ve got a flurry of memories bouncing around in your brain right now…as do I. You may not be able to relate to each of the questions above perfectly, but what I’m trying to help you see…and remember, is what we’ve lost in adulthood.

I still feel young at heart (I’m only 30 years old) but already feel a sense of loss. Have I gained knowledge over the years, new skills, etc.? Yes, of course. But I also feel as though I’ve lost something critical. The mind I had as a child. The careless and free-spirited energy I once was.

Life is a progression of course and I’m not trying to be negative. I realize we go in and out of stages and we’re constantly building upon our experiences, but I just feel as though I (we) needed a reminder. A reminder to seek after our own ventures without too much planning, perfecting, and analyzing. Be bold, charge forward, and never lose hope. Don’t be afraid to fail. It’s okay to get a little muddy.

As we grow older, the stakes get higher (or so we think) and fear of failure grows exponentially. We think to ourselves, “I can’t fail now”. The secret lies in our ability to put fear in its proper place and go after our dreams.

So, what’s your venture? Do you need some encouragement? Tell me about it. — I’d love to hear what excites you.



David Lano
Lifestyle & Learning

Hi, I'm David: Owner @ Control Yours (controlyours.com), Web Developer, Blogger,  Geek, & Tea Drinker; I hit the ground running.