Broken ankle — Faster fracture healing for Motocross Rider, Steven Sommerfield using Magnetic Therapy

Dianne Hermans
Lifestyle Physiotherapy
3 min readFeb 14, 2020

Lifestyle Therapies had sponsored professional motocross rider Steven Sommerfeld. We saw a great synergy with sponsoring a professional extreme sport athlete as while we hope they remain injury free, the very nature of their sport puts them in a high risk category of fairly serious injuries such as broken bones and serious bruising. We are not happy to report that Steve has given us quite an opportunity to demonstrate some of our cutting edge treatment regimes for fast recovery from sports injury using magnetic field therapy so he can get back to his sport sooner.

So far we have had broken ankles, corked thighs and aches and pain from previous injuries. Steve has been very impressed with his treatment response when compared to previous injuries, particularly with the difference that Q magnets and physiotherapy have made to his injury recovery.

Steve fractured his ankle in 3 places after an accident while practicing a freestyle trick a few weeks ago. Steve had surgery and a titanium (non-magnetic) screw was inserted to hold the ankle stable. We treated his ankle for the first time today. Steve is unable to weight bear and has very limited range in the ankle. We placed 3 magnets on the ankle to aid swelling reduction, bone healing and pain.

Steve is impressed with the progress of his ankle. Here are some of his comments:

“I haven’t had any painkillers from about 4 days after the surgery”

“I’ve broken legs before and I got back on the bike sooner than expected each time, but not this soon could I hold weight on an ankle after the actual crash and then surgery only 2 weeks ago”.

“The only thing I’ve done differently with this broken ankle is the use of Q-Magnets. It’s really starting to show how well physio and magnets work!”

This week I saw Emma twice for physiotherapy, I can hardly believe the progress I made. With physiotherapy and Q magnet treatment I went from two crutches to one crutch to no crutches in 3 days. The first time I saw Emma, she mobilised the joint and pushed me further than I could go and when I walked out I was walking the best I have with just the one crutch. I had the proper walking movement only I just had to transfer my weight to the crutch as I walked through the stride.

On the second visit I did roughly an hour of constant exercises that Emma gave me and used the theraband as well to passively move my ankle as well as active. I then went to see Emma in the afternoon and I could move my knee forward 3 more centimetres over my foot than the previous day. Which I thought was a huge improvement. I have been wearing 5 Q magnets constantly on my ankle.

Thursday I felt quite sore from all the work I had done, but by lunch time I had warmed the joint up enough and I guess over the pain of it and I actually walked properly without crutches.

Steven also presented with a corked thigh. He had physiotherapy treatment and used the Q magnets and he was back in action in just a week!

Corked Thigh

You can see the effect of the Q magnets after only a day, already helping that haematoma heal.

