Do more by working less

And planning more

Nate Desmond
2 min readMay 19, 2014

You know those days when you’re super busy? The days when it feels like you don’t even have a minute to breathe because everything is so urgent?

I love those days.

The constant busyness gives a pleasant feeling of productivity.

…until the day is finished.

Then, as I think back over what I actually accomplished, I wonder how 8 hours slipped by in a haze of emails, meetings, and minor tasks.

Suddenly I realize that nothing I did today will matter next year. Or even next week.

What if I worked less and planned more?

Planning feels inherently unproductive.

After all, I’m dedicating a significant amount of my day to just thinking about my day?!

But the results are undeniable.

Recently, I’ve taken to laying out a short plan for myself every evening (normally 3 priorities and a few optional todos).

Instead of diving into the beautiful black hole of my email and feed reader, I now spend the first hours of my day planning events, writing articles, redesigning my blog.

Since I now start with an exact plan, I can accomplish more in a morning than I used to all day.

More importantly, the work I do will (mostly) still matter in five years.

We think our time is limited, but how much is simply swallowed by busy work?

What if we worked with planned intensity?

Nate Desmond is a growth professional who spends his free time reading amazing books and training parkour. He writes frequently about growth marketing on his blog and lifestyle thoughts on Medium.


