Our Dreams Are Too Small

Yet we talk as though they are impossibly large

Nate Desmond
Lifestyle Thoughts


We talk about our dreams like they are impossibly large.

Like they probably couldn't be achieved by a dozen people in two lifetimes. As if we would be clinically insane to even try to reach our imagination’s delight.

But the reality is, our dreams are too small.

We hide behind a cultural lie that our dreams are impossible and use that belief to excuse a life of mediocrity. We tell ourselves that it’s not worth trying. That it would only be a waste of energy.

But the truth is, we’re afraid our dreams just might be possible.

We’re afraid that if we stepped out and gave something our all, that we might succeed. We’re afraid success might force change in our life. And that change might be uncomfortable.

We’re afraid that we might fail, and others might laugh at us for having tried. That we might be ostracized for challenging our cultural lie.

So we talk about our dreams like they are impossibly large.

But what if we didn’t?

Nate Desmond is a growth professional who spends his free time reading amazing books and training parkour. He writes frequently about growth marketing on his blog and lifestyle thoughts on Medium.

