If You Have Decided You will Fail — Then You Are Right, You Probably Will

5 tips to move from self-doubt to self-confidence

Jesse Wilson
4 min readJan 26, 2020


Monkey question: I don’t know if I should? Self-doubt and no confidence

Have you ever experienced the moment when self-doubt pokes its ugly head from around the corner, and you catch a fleeting glimpse?

In that instant, you are reminded of what you have fought hard to put behind you.

Sadly a glimpse is enough to tilt your axis causing you to wobble as you step forward. It is no surprise you begin to entertain unhelpful thoughts such as, “This is too hard, I am not good enough, why bother, what’s the point!”

All this is self-doubt’s doing, and now to pour oil on the small burning fire in your head. Uncertainty parades proudly, thriving on mystery and confusion.

Self-doubt is the unwanted drunken guest who has come to dance at your party and tell you a truth whose sole purpose is to hurt.

So what are you going to do? Sit and listen, wistfully entertain or throw them out? Well, let me help you.

Don’t even think about entertaining them! It’s your party, you don’t have to put up with their presence. Make no mistake, self-doubt loves to masquerade as a friend.



Jesse Wilson

Writer | Poet - Inspiring people to find their purpose and live healthier, happier, more loving, and fulfilled lives.