3 Tough Life Issues That Are Your Best Teachers

Nothing can motivate you as they do

4 min readNov 2, 2021


sad man sitting in the street
Photo by whoislimos on Unsplash

Some of us learn fast in life, from the experiences of other people. Others are learning slower, from their own experiences. No matter from which category we are part of, what is important is that we learn eventually because life seems to be a good school, thus a tough one. Some of the issues we have in life can be our best teachers.

Whenever you are on the edge, or you reach rock bottom, then you are more motivated than ever to do something that will get you out of that unpleasant situation.

The following life issues can be the most motivating of all.

1. Severe Hunger

Just think about it! Hunger makes some people steal from their fellows. In this case, there is not much room for remorse because the primal instinct comes into place here. It’s the instinct of survival that we inherited from our ancestors that activates.

When you are hungry, you are in survival mode, and you have to do something about this instinctively, or theoretically, you may die…It’s either you eat or you cease to exist, so you must start doing something that will eventually make you avoid possible future scenarios in which you are hungry again.

I wasn’t in such an extreme situation, but I remember times when I was traveling and didn’t have food right away available. I guess we all have been through this. When you are hungry, you are agitated, nervous and seem to have more energy and more determination.

That’s how I feel when I am very hungry and sometimes I use this energy for working more. Once the hunger is satisfied, we tend to become softer.

2. Empty Pockets

When your wallets, your bank accounts, and your pockets are all empty, you are faced with a sudden moment of realization. You want to ask for money from a friend, but you are ashamed to do this. Many times the immediate need for cash makes you step on your shame and make the request…

The only real solution is to go to work, even if the first job you get may not be the most pleasant. The feelings you have when your pockets are empty are worst than the ones you have at a miserable job. At least you are paid.

I was in the situation of not being able to pay all my bills. I know how it is to have bank debt because it happened when I remained without a job. It is one of the most painful situations in life. Luckily I got over it. I solved it by finding another job and I was more determined than ever to make money, to avoid such situations in the future.

3. A Broken Heart

From a breakup or the death of a loved one, you can end up with a broken heart. This moment is eye-opening, making you see how important love is and how important the people in our lives are. You wish the person you lost would come back and you would try to make things different this time.

In case of a breakup, if the former partner is the one who left, you may realize the value brought in your life by this person. You may come to see that even this person’s defects are enjoyable because they are what makes that person a human being and nobody is perfect.

I was in this situation after a breakup and it’s one of the worst things you can experience, besides illness or a dear one who dies.

I also lost very dear people and I know that a broken heart can make you appreciate life more, and makes you rise from the ashes to become a new person, a better one, even though you are doing it for yourself and not for the person you lost. Sometimes it’s the bad experiences that make us better humans.


In each of these situations, you can end up being at the lowest point that you could be in life. From here on, you can only go up. You need to rise from the ashes like a Phoenix and enjoy life again.

When you experience the worst of the worst, what follows can only be better. Here is where motivation comes naturally. Nothing teaches you better in life than reaching the bottom. Our worst issues are our best teachers.

