Unconventional Tech Jobs for Transitioning Veterans

Tech Jobs That Tie STEM Fields to Everyday Life

Lift and Shift Foundation
Lift & Shift: The Bridge
5 min readSep 18, 2020


Every veteran is transitioning or has had a career transition from the military. You can’t make that transition a success without asking questions like, What science and technology jobs are out there if you’re not an engineer?

At the Lift and Shift Foundation, we know. We have faced those same questions. The team behind CareerKarma.com has some transition insight too. We recently teamed up with them to discuss some ideas for veterans.

If you happen to be asking those career transition questions, at any point in your life, here are their recommendations. Use these thoughts and ideas as a starting point in the planning process. You might be surprised that some of these STEM-related job suggestions are actually not very technical at all.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Things to Consider

When looking for new careers, there are some things to consider to make sure you are making the right decision. First and foremost, you should know yourself; your strengths and weaknesses, passions, and purpose. That way you can make a decision based on a career that exploits your strengths and the skills you already have.

You can ask yourself questions like, What is your dream job? Which lifestyle do you want? What are the things that your job must have for you to feel accomplished? Which skills do you already have that could translate to the new job?

Second, you should research the employment projections for each career you consider. If the profession is growing, how many openings does it have now, and will it continue to grow in the next few years? This is very important because society is constantly changing, and with new technologies that are revolutionizing the world, your profession could even disappear.

Third, when choosing a career, you have to know the average salary. By knowing the average salary for entry-level positions, you can see if it is an amount that will allow you to live comfortably. Fourth, you should know how difficult it is to find a job. What do employers look for when looking to fill a position? Sometimes it is hard to enter the industry, so consider this when looking for a new career.

Finally, you should know which skills you will need to learn and how you will do it. Some careers may require an academic degree, professional certification, or no certification or degree at all. Evaluate how hard it will be to get the new skills and how much time and money it will cost.


These are some careers that are good options for career changers. Ultimately it is your decision, but it must be a choice that brings you more benefits than headaches. If not, what’s the point of changing careers?


Becoming a writer is a career option that many people choose because it doesn’t require any certification at all. There is the option of getting a degree, but people still can become writers without one. Also, the sky is the limit in terms of what to write about. If you can think of it, then there is probably already a writing niche on the Internet.

For example, you could become a novel writer if you are a good storyteller, and this niche has a broad range of genres to pick from. You could write mystery, romance, or the next sci-fi thriller. The bad news is that the market is really competitive. Many people that publish books never manage to land a bestseller and end up selling just a few copies.

Additionally, you can become a content writer for a website or publish articles on your own. Nowadays, creating a website is really easy, and every website needs content. You don’t need to be a web developer.

So, choose something you are passionate about or something you are good at and write about it. Then publish articles on your own or offer them to more prominent websites that may eventually pay you for them. These are just a few options, but writers have many choices in terms of career paths.

Social Media Manager

Social media managers are experts in managing a company’s profile on different platforms. They schedule posts to keep the brand active, interact with users in the name of the company, and create marketing campaigns. For this career, you should have good organization, communication, and teamwork skills.

It is a good option for career changers because you can learn the needed skills through a coding bootcamp in digital marketing. Some companies require a degree in marketing, communication, journalism, or business. But coding bootcamps have gain popularity in the last few years, and many big companies hire bootcamp grads. More and more bootcamps also qualify for assistance under the GI Bill or other programs from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

For example, you can enroll in Thinkful’s digital marketing course. It only lasts 12 weeks part-time, and it costs $4,500. You can do the course online and, in a short time, have all the skills you need to be a social media manager. They also offer career coaches and personal mentors to help you on your journey.

Software Developer

Software developers create, deploy, and maintain the software, programs, and applications that make our smart devices work. This profession is part of the tech industry, one of the most receptive to career changers. It is also an excellent option for the future because, with the continued use of technology in our lives, the need for it will only increase. That’s why it has an expected growth of 26,5 percent, which is far above average.

This career path is also one with high salaries compared to others, and it doesn’t necessarily require a degree. Many companies indeed ask for a bachelor’s degree in computer science or software engineering, but it is not the only option. Tech giants like Google or Amazon hire software developers that graduate from coding bootcamps or are self-taught.

Also, if you become a software developer, you have different options. For example, you can be a front end developer who specializes in programming the part of the software that the user sees. Or you can become a web developer, the professionals that create, deploy, and maintain websites. You can even become a game developer and code all the software used in gaming.

In Summary

Changing careers will change your life, hopefully for the better if you choose right. So, it helps if you research like crazy before making a decision to make sure it fits with what you want and allows you to have the work-life balance you want. You have to know the expected growth, entry-level salary, if it matches your strengths and current abilities, and how to learn the new skills you need.

