What makes great work?

Tim Carr
Our Point of View
Published in
1 min readOct 28, 2015

Recently, I heard a peer at another agency talking about a project he’d just completed. He said it was “great for the agency” — and that reminded me of a core value here at LIFT Agency.

What do I think makes great work?

Work is not great because it looks great or because it won any awards. It isn’t great just because the client loved it or because it made us look clever.

It’s simple, really:

We believe work is great if — and only if — it improves our client’s bottom line. Period. Or to put it another way: a campaign isn’t successful unless we can accurately measure and attribute the positive impact it had on business. When we can do that, it really feels great — not just for us, but for our clients too.

So here’s to more agencies focusing on what really matters for their clients. Here’s to more great work.

Tim is a pioneer in profit-driven marketing solutions. After leading some of the most successful direct programs for AOL, he founded LIFT Agency in 2003. Learn more about LIFT Agency

