Never Do These 5 Things After Sex

Lift Your Lifestyle
3 min readAug 17, 2018

There’s no denying that warm, tingly, oh-so-relaxed feeling that washes over you after a particularly fun romp in the hay; in fact, few things are better than it! After all, a content, good night’s sleep usually follows, and you just had the time of your life.

But while you’re in that love-drunk state, there are some things you should avoid doing after sex, no matter how much your defenses are lowered. While it may be kind of gross to think about, women are at an increased risk for infection after sex, thanks to bacteria making its way into the urethra during the deed.

Plus, during intercourse, the vaginal tissues are lubricated, swollen and rubbed, and the way they react to their environment changes, meaning things your vagina could normally handle, aren’t always advisable post coital.

Check out this list of things you should never do after sex.


While a relaxing trip to the bubbly hot tub might sound ideal after a quick sesh in the sack, you’d actually just be introducing your vagina to a lot of unwelcome bacteria and germs.

“When your vulva swells in response to sexual stimulation, it reveals the opening of the vagina, which means you have a greater chance of infection,” Kansas-based gynecologist Leslie E.F. Page, MD told Women’s Health.

So that means any germs that are lingering in the water, including those on anyone else’s skin, have free reign over your lady bits.


Peeing after sex is more than just an old wives’ tale. Remember the bacteria that makes its way into your urethra during sex? You can help flush it all out afterwards by simply using the restroom within an hour.

Once you do, make sure to wipe your vagina front to back so as to not get any fecal matter in any nooks and crannies that could turn into an infection.


On the other hand, if you do feel the need to shower after sex (been there), whatever you do, don’t use a scented soap down there. The vagina is like a self-cleaning oven — as long as you’re rinsing her out with warm water, she’ll take care of the rest. In fact, soap could actually cause more harm than good, disrupting pH levels and the delicate ecosystem, leading to vaginal irritation and dryness.

Page even says that a general rule of thumb to live by is that if you wouldn’t put it in your mouth, keep it away from your vagina.


Especially if you’re sensitive to chemicals like perfumes, alcohol, glycerin and certain oils, using a flushable or throw-away wipe can lead to irritation. Because your skin down there is more susceptible to unfamiliar properties after sex, you could see symptoms like redness, itchiness, swelling and tenderness.

If TP just isn’t doing the job, try warm water on a washcloth at first, and then if that doesn’t work, switch to a highly diluted vinegar/water solution (one teaspoon vinegar to one quart water). Or just simply hop in the shower!


We’ll be the first to recommend a sexy little number to spice up your love life — and also the first to tell you to leave it on the floor once you’ve had your fun. While sleeping in breathable, cotton undies is A-OK, the opposite can be said for nylon, rayon or polyester fabrics.

The fact of the matter is that your lady bits just don’t have enough room to breathe, and thanks to the sweat, semen and vaginal secretions that occur during sex, that could be the perfect environment for a brewing yeast infection. Next time, go sans panties — or just switch to your comfy cotton ones.

This post originally published at



Lift Your Lifestyle

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