#Light #Life

#Light: A New, Beautiful Way to Share
3 min readApr 23, 2014


Just another walk with Monti at Dolores Park.

No abundance of Instagram filters will make this photo worthy of the collective eyes that gaze upon my profile picture. It doesn’t belong on Facebook because, in fact, it resembles the countless other Monti pictures I have posted in the past. But this photo, for whatever reason, means something more to me.

That afternoon I walked Monti, the world seemed to stop and take notice. I was surrounded by the ineffable calm of stranger’s smiles, and the weather was of that perfect mild warmth; like the day waited specifically on me. My mind was content and fixed on the lightheartedness of my surroundings as Monti let the leash fall slack in my hand. We sat on the grass and marveled in this “all-is-right moment.” I raised my phone and heard the mechanized click of my camera hold in the air.

I had captured a feeling along with a place and time. The instant, although insignificant to the faces parading through the park, became something to me. Certainly the photo would seem uninteresting to the average person, but in writing this I feel connected to the essence of that moment and the beauty I was steeped so far in. I took this picture and pocketed it as a way to remember fondly at some later date.


I am fascinated by the moments compiled behind the glass and plastic of our camera rolls. They are brimming with seemingly uninspiring photos that need only explanation to bring them back to life. We capture these day-to-day flashes of insignificance because they are in fact interesting to us. We assume no one cares, but this is the gist of our daily life; a collection of snapshots that exist as the bones of who we are and a glimpse at our life without a filter.

Since that day, I’ve been obsessed with capturing the intensity and collective energy I felt in that “ordinary” walk through the park. There is more than a photo saved within the confines of my camera; there is also a question. How do I amass the connections between those who share their moment, time, and space with me and the instant itself?

After numerous late nights, endless soul searching, and countless iterations there lives a small team dedicated to my vision in the park; an acuity for sharing and storing moments and an answer to my question. The key is making the instances in our lives fast and easy to share. There should be no anxiety about which filter to use or how interesting the picture or your life is. While the user’s job is to live and share their everyday activities, our job is to help you reveal and relive the beauty of your day-to-day existence with those who care about your journey.

Stay tuned as we develop the love, relations, and dare I say, nostalgia of Light. We may not be able to relive the past, but we can do a better job of connecting the present with the story our lives can’t help but tell.

Learn more about our team, mission and product by emailing: shane@getlight.co

