Google Reviews From My First Film, Ponytail John

Rating out of 5, comments below.

Joseph Murphy
Light-Hearted Dumpings
3 min readJul 11, 2023


Jane — 4.9

What a revelation. An almost flawless film. The ponytail was a bit off.

Derek — 4.9

Wow! Hard to fault this one, but I will — the ponytail.

Stefan — 4.9

¿Alguien se hizo la cola de caballo?

TRANSLATION: Did anyone get the ponytail?

Jonathan — 4.9

For all you purists out there, this film was quintessentially Hitchcockian in exploration. The means through which the mystery unravelled like a bow to form an absolute cinematic denouement deserves nothing but praise and admiration. No greater feat in the space of cinema has been achieved. Not since De Sica’s, The Bicycle Thief some 70 plus years earlier. Inspirational and iconic — can’t wait to see what comes next for the director.

Didn’t get the ponytail.

Sarah — 4.9

Loved the femme fatale arc. Not your traditional approach to the stock character. Really brought the themes together and aided in the final reveal. Truly astonishing. Could have done without the ponytail.

Emma — 4.9

Ponytail aside, this one was film of the year for me.

Claire — 4.9

Fabulous! Was the ponytail a MacGuffin?

Carlos — 4.9

Loved this one. The dying man plot with a vengeful twist. And his mother?! Didn’t see that coming.

Hi Claire, yes I think the ponytail must have been a MacGuffin?

Claire — 4.9

Went to a Q&A last night! Was great to see the director explain his process. Very nuanced.

The ponytail wasn’t a MacGuffin.

Carlos — 4.9

Again, singing praise for the work. Great to see a new voice hit our screens.

Sorry Claire, how can the ponytail NOT be a MacGuffin?

Claire — 4.9

Great to be back on the google review thread here giving more worthy kudos to the film! Loved it, just loved it!

To your point Carlos, I understand the director just ‘liked’ ponytails.

Carlos — 4.9

Watched the movie again, and am still shocked with how they managed to construct it. Shoe-string budget I heard! Massive props. Wow!

Thanks for clearing that up Claire. So if not a MacGuffin, the ponytail must have been a red herring. Very clever indeed!

Peter — 4.9

Hi guys, just chiming into the thread here. I saw an interview where the director explain the ponytail really well! Essentially it’s neither a red herring nor a MacGuffin. It was an artistic choice based on ‘preference’, and his predilection for the main character to be ‘wearing’ it — like they were.

Claire — 4.9

Well put Peter!

Carlos — 4.9

Such a good film!

Sorry Peter, not well put! You’re telling me that this film, Ponytail John, arguably one of the best films I’ve ever seen focusses so heavily on ponytails and the wearing of them simply because the director had a penchant for them at the time?

Peter — 4.9 Stars


Claire — 4.9 Stars


Carlos — 4.9 Stars

Me again — great film, etc.

And even though the storyline didn’t need a ponytail, the director chose to spend, and I counted, 15 minutes worth of close-ups on the hairstyle because what? It felt right?

Claire — 4.9 Stars

According to his Q&A, yes.


Gretchen — 4.9 Stars

A cinematic masterpiece. Couldn’t believe the scale. Completely mind boggling. Hated the ponytail.

Carlos_002–4.9 Stars


