Family Court Corruption — Lawyer and Judge Whistleblowers

Hurdles to address areas of professional misconduct are many times insurmountable — due to many of the entities designed to investigate having been proven to be ineffective and shielded by a cumbersome process that filters out legitimate cases of wrongdoing.

Stephen Louis Krasner
Light it Up


One need not surf far on the internet in the realm of social media to find stories dealing with things such as extortion, quid pro quo, favoritism, bias, corruption, due process, abuse of power, collusion, threat, fraud, perjury, abuse of process, and cronyism. While you would think these subjects are discussed frequently in groups associated with politics and public figures, they often pop up in the accounts of folks engaged with Family Courts and ordeals having to do with Divorce and Child Custody.

Sounding the Bell

Many lawyers and judges within this industry often dismiss and brush off those mothers and fathers who call out wrongdoings with the court and its players as being disgruntled or resentful. Perhaps that is the case with many, but who can blame most of them for being that way? Given the archaic laws and obstacles that unjustly wrong many good…



Stephen Louis Krasner
Light it Up

Advocate—Public Service—Author: Writing to elevate the human condition by shining light into dark places.