Families Separated for Money Incentives — at Hands of Child Service Entities

Who protects the FAMILY — mothers, fathers and children — from becoming victimized by the underbelly of Child Protective Services (CPS)?

Stephen Louis Krasner
Light it Up


No matter the creed, class, race or affiliation of parents in society most of them share the common values of wanting what’s best for their children and to keep them safe.

Parents go through great lengths to teach children the lessons of right from wrong and how to make smart choices. At an early age they often preach to them not to talk to strangers — and what our kids should do if approached by one. This is done out of extreme precaution to provide children skills to thwart off potential dangers like kidnapping or physical harm.

What is one to do when these lessons, taught and learned between them, are rendered useless — whereby the sanctity and bond between parent and child come under threat — not by a stranger at the door — but someone with state authority and the power to break apart a family.

This is the reality for many suitable parents whose lives have intersected with Child Protective Services (CPS).

Anonymous Reporting



Stephen Louis Krasner
Light it Up

Advocate—Public Service—Author: Writing to elevate the human condition by shining light into dark places.