Why You Should Learn How to Write?

Reffi Dhinar
Light Mind
Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2024

Writing is an essential skill for everyone

Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

One day in my previous office, one of my colleagues came closer to me and whispered, “ Reffi, please help me, I’m doomed.” Then, I came to her desk and saw a blank page Microsoft Word. She was doing her final report after becoming a worker on 6 months of probation.

This report and her presentation would decide whether she would be a permanent worker or not. Her problem wasn’t the job, she was really capable of finishing her tasks. The main problem was her writing skills. So I helped her to write her final report, reviewed it, and she bought me delicious meals after it was finished.

Meet with The Same Problem

In my current office, my colleagues also asked me for help. We work as staff with Japanese-speaking skills. Sometimes, we should send email to our CEO in Japan. And they were afraid to write their email. “Writing is difficult, I’m not confident with my writing skill,” said my friends.

After knowing some stories from them, I think that writing is not only for a person like me who wants to be a book author or blogger. It’s an essential skill for a student to finish their essay project or thesis, for a staff who wants to present their report, or for a freelancer who wants to send a pitch. People should learn how to write.

The Simple Method to Start Writing

Is it easy to learn how to write? Absolutely not. I need to read a dozen books, practise my writing skill on the blog, and spend many hours finalising my report.

Although writing is my passion, to use it in our job can be challenging. We should know the vocabulary, the good punctuation, and how to make a sentence that is easy to be understood by the reader.

Please read your writing verbally and feel it. You will know whether it’s easy to understand or not. Punctuation has the role of making the distinction in your writing.

It’s not too late to learn. First, you should make a clear goal. What is the subject that you want to master? For example, you want to improve your business writing, so stick with it.

Second, read the specific book or watch the video about writing. Next, install a Thesaurus or vocabulary app in your target language. It would help if you also learned how to put the right punctuation. Last, write often and ask for a person who is an expert in writing to review or give feedback.

Writing is therapeutic although you don’t use it at work or school. You can write about your fear and the things that make you feel anxious. See it clearly and write the way out. According to the expert, writing can make our mind clearer and it boosts creativity. Don’t be afraid to write.

After knowing about the benefits of writing, what is your opinion now? It’s never too late to improve your writing skill.

