Close Encounters

Throw Back Thursday

Stimulight the Night
Light Painting


A little throw back Thursday fun today.

In 2012 Johnny was planning a trip to Wyoming to do some hunting with some friends and family. I was attending College in Powell, Wyoming at the time so the 6 hour drive to Devils Tower was a no brainer to join the fun.

After a long day of running around the hills and canyons chasing critters, it was time for Johnny and I to do what we do best. As the night set in over the beautiful Wyoming landscape, we grabbed our gear and headed to the nearest box canyon. It is hard not to think about Roy Neary and the UFO’s Steven Spielberg created while seeing Devils Tower off in the distance. With that inspiration we grabbed our only light that night and started making light paintings. Of all the orbs and things we created this one stood out. Johnny stood on a rock and spun the light in a few complete rotations. Then I ran around lighting things up with a spot light while Johnny held his pose for what I am sure felt like an eternity.

After this photo we headed back to find our respective sleeping areas on the floor of an old trailer house filled with a dozen men snoring into the night.

I would do it all again.



Stimulight the Night
Light Painting

Representing the light painting world @stimulightnight.