Photons Rejoice

Recording Light into Memory

Stimulight the Night
Light Painting


As the gears inside the magnesium case click and roll, the shutter blinks open like a newborn taking a glimpse of its new world for the first time. At first all it sees is darkness, it is confused, what am I looking at? What is the point of this black empty room? Then something happens. A light flickers before the lens. The small chip begins to record what it sees, the shutter stays wide open, straining to see what’s next. Then a blue light pops on and begins to move. Next a yellow light and a green light. Then a peculiar orange light begins to dance around the room. The chip writes as fast as it can to the SD card connected through a series of electrical connections. Like the memory of a simple mechanical brain the information is being taken down. As the camera stares into the room suddenly all the lights stop. The room is again filled with darkness. The shutter holds itself open like a child stuck in a never ending staring contest with their best friend. Don’t blink don’t blink… then a button is pressed and the shutter slams shut. The back of the LCD screen illuminates the room with an image of all the light that had been presented. It all has been recorded and saved for the world to see that the photons had been able to rejoice.

Dan McCreight

Photons Rejoice by Dan McCreight via Stimulight the Night



Stimulight the Night
Light Painting

Representing the light painting world @stimulightnight.