Let’s meet at the beginning of water

Two Poems by Chris Campanioni

2 min readFeb 23, 2017


Persons of Interest

Pass words between
Us the gap
On each side
Walk the way
Home from memory
Crushed leaves the fall
Of snow on my face
Mercy of the rain
Indifference of the sky
& sea a woman’s
Smile all
These things & what
They do to me

Let’s meet at the beginning of water

& bridge, holding roses in the cold
asian mint, jasmine, leather

the smell of summer storms
sweat & talking trees

or the outline of each
ghost in the dying

street lights, do you see
honeydew moon

dripping thick pale
glow, the lackadaisical black of before

night when the sky
is needles, spilt paint

or cracks in pavement
you keep to yourself or keep

avoiding some people
like the way it feels, the sound

of stillness returning to self
actual factory settings

air after the rain
when all the air

is silk, soft as ripe fruit
flesh, hand in hand

walking under
the bridge again

CHRIS CAMPANIONI’S recent work has appeared in The Brooklyn Rail, Carbon Culture, Fjords Review, and Prelude. He teaches literature and creative writing at Baruch College and Pace University and new form journalism at John Jay. Find him online at www.chriscampanioni.com.

Photo Credits: John Fergus, Cantilevers Complete, 1889. Courtesy of the Getty’s Open Content program.

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These poems were published in LiGHT/WATER i — you can buy a print copy here for $5.


