Sadist Says

Two Poems by Tony Leuzzi

2 min readJan 12, 2017



You might be a Buddhist on a stalled train
surrounded by
stink and impatience, air close

as the last mouth you kissed, which was nowhere
near a subway
which was not, in fact, a mouth.

Sadist Says

Have you heard about the itinerant
masochist? He
was into vagabondage.

Once, wandering through the desert, he saw

an oasis
and hoped it was a mirage.

TONY LEUZZI’S previous books include Radiant Losses (New Sins Press, 2010) and The Burning Door (Tiger Bark Press, 2014). In 2012, BOA Editions published Passwords Primeval, Leuzzi’s interviews with 20 American poets.

Photo Credits: Walker Evans, photographer (American, 1903–1975), Roadside View, Alabama Coal Area Company Town, American, 1935, Gelatin silver print. Courtesy of Getty Open Content.

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These poems were published in LiGHT/WATER i — you can buy a print copy here for $5.


