The Radiance of Dailiness

One Poem by Zac Walsh

2 min readJan 26, 2017


The Radiance of Dailiness

after Don Delillo

I am weary of envying the thoughts of others.
I am weary of reaching into pockets for comfort.
I am weary of because.

I am worn down from the pain of strangers.
I am worn down from the abuse of family.
I am worn down from cause.

I am worried about importance fading.
I am worried about worth too late.
I am worried about words failing.

But I will not be nothing until I am felled by love.

ZAC WALSH teaches English at Chabot College. He is former Editor at Large of the Arroyo Literary Review and winner of the R.V. Williams Prize for Fiction. His work has appeared in The Platte Valley Review, Cimarron Review, Alligator Juniper, Gulf Stream, Big Lucks, Ontologica and Two of Cups Press, among others.

Photo Credits: Carleton Watkins, photographer (American, 1829–1916), Solar Eclipse, January 1, 1889, Albumen silver print. Courtesy of the Getty’s Open Content program.

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These poems were published in LiGHT/WATER i — you can buy a print copy here for $5.


