LightBeam Data Lifecycle Management Platform
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2022

Healthcare plans collect and process huge amounts of Electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) required for patient treatment claims processing. In responding to the requirements of The Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Privacy Officers are challenged with understanding the data in their organisations. How are business units using it? How are IT and IT security protecting it? Implementing appropriate compliance and data management capabilities over patient ePHI, with the possibility of facing significant financial and reputational damage, has become a complex but imperative task for Healthcare Privacy Officers.

Health records are increasingly becoming digitised. As patients move around the healthcare ecosystem, their electronic health records must be available, discoverable, and understandable. Further, to support automated clinical decision support and other machine-based processing, the data must also be structured and standardised to be able to be managed in a compliant manner.

In response to these challenges has developed a Lifecycle Management Platform that delivers holistic data management capabilities. The core of the platform is a powerful AI engine that can automatically identify, classify, track, and control various types of PI, PII, Sensitive and IP data in both structured and unstructured repositories while operationalising key controls needed to operate in an ever-changing regulatory environment.

LightBeam — AI Holistic Data LifeCycle Management Platform

LightBeam provides Privacy Officers visibility into the provenance, storage, processing, and access of ePHI across structured and unstructured repositories. Sensitive data, collected from a variety of systems and third-party sources, is automatically classified by type, and leveraged by LightBeam’s control policies which consider Access, Location, Retention and Compliance requirements. By enabling greater visibility and control, data can be effectively processed to support today’s business activities and maintain a state of continuous compliance throughout the data lifecycle.

Key DM Features

  • End to end automated DSAR workflows including ticketing, data retrieval and servicing capabilities
  • Accuracy at scale: Data-identification and classification of petabyte sized data stores
  • AI engine with ability to learn customer specific data type definitions
  • A 360-degree PII entity centric view of PII data essential for servicing compliance needs
  • Out of the box connectors easily integrate with CRM, HR and Vendor management systems
  • Tunable policies and play-books for custom attribute support

Author: Bill Schaumann



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