13 Things I Wish I Would Have Actually Understood at 18

Advice to my oldest child

Matt Inman


Photo by Bernard Hermant on Unsplash

Today is my kid’s 18th birthday. I wanted to offer them something that could help not only today but in days yet to come.

In honor of them joining the ranks of adults, here’s advice it took me years to realize. If just 2 or 3 of these sink in, I’ll consider it a parental win.

Start Investing now

Don’t wait 5 or 10 years to start investing. I know retirement can seem far away, but life just accelerates as you get older. Start saving as soon as you get your first job.

Don’t take yourself seriously

Learn to laugh at your own faults, foils, and flounderings. If you can do it, others will too. Roll with your issues instead of being controlled by them.

Give people your full and undivided attention

Make it a point to stop whatever you are doing and give people your full attention. Even if it’s to tell them you are busy and will get back to them soon. This is especially true of small kids.

Work on your relationships

A good relationship, whether it’s a romantic one or not, takes work. Being a good listener will…



Matt Inman

Writer, Tech, and Travel nerd. Connecting with amazing people to encourage you to take action in your life. Let’s talk — mattinman.com