Be the Protagonist of Your Life

Personal growth requires a leap of faith.

Nihan Kucukural


Photo by Muzammil Soorma on Unsplash

In Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, there is a scene that gives me goosebumps every time.

During the crisis, towards the end, the protagonist Miles Morales gets into a conflict with his mentor Peter B. Parker. (Peter is an older Spider-Man from another dimension.) In Miles’ dorm room, they fight about “who’s going to save the multiverse.”

Miles was bit by a spider only a few days ago; he is not a full-blown superhero yet. He is not ready because he doesn’t have faith in himself. But he still wants to go to the “boss battle” and risk his life. Peter throws him to a swivel chair and wraps him up in a thousand spiderwebs like a caterpillar in a cocoon. Miles asks him when he will know he is ready. Peter webs his mouth too, and just before he leaves through the window, he says: “You won’t. It’s a leap of faith. That’s all it is Miles. A leap of faith.”

This dialogue gives me goosebumps because it reflects my own situation. I can see at that moment that I am wrapped tightly in my cocoon made of a thousand limiting beliefs, which makes it impossible for me to move. It is all about taking the leap, moving forward. I know this, but I forget every time. When Peter says it to Miles, I feel it in my gut.

“It’s a leap of faith…



Nihan Kucukural

Turkish copywriter and screenwriter based in New Zealand. I am addicted to stories. I write screenwriting/copywriting advice and occasional funny stuff.