How To Avoid Burnout

Simple lessons from eating way too many strawberries

Matt Inman


Photo by Massimiliano Martini on Unsplash

When I was four, my mom and I picked eight quarts of strawberries. We got home, and I pulled my stool up to the sink to help clean them.

She would pull off the stem, wash them, and hand them to me to place in the containers. My mom was a machine at doing this, and she didn’t notice I was eating about every third one she handed me.

As she finished the last one, she looked my way and saw I had strawberries smeared all over my face and down the front of my shirt. She couldn’t help but laugh as she took me to the bathroom to clean me up.

Later in the evening… let’s just say my mom was cleaning up another mess as the strawberries made a reappearance in a most unfortunate way.

I wouldn’t touch another strawberry again till I was well into adulthood.

Excess never renders man happy — Voltaire

As I put down the latest book in the Murderbot series, I realized I had done the same with these books. I had partaken of its’ fruits, not caring about the consequences. Reading the five books in less than a fortnight, that’s two weeks if you are wondering.

You may have done this with a book at one time or another. Enjoyed a series so…



Matt Inman

Writer, Tech, and Travel nerd. Connecting with amazing people to encourage you to take action in your life. Let’s talk —