How Understanding Personality Can Lead to Greater Fulfillment

Admiring the colorful people that surround you

Matt Inman


Photo by Shangyou Shi on Unsplash

What I noticed first about the book Surrounded by Idiots by Thomas Erikson was the cover. I’m sure we all feel surrounded by people with, how should I put it gently, less than stellar mental sharpness at one time or another.

But with the book’s title being metaphoric and not literal, it did offer up some questions. How do we deal with the people we let into our circle? And more importantly, are we one of the idiots?

Reading the book jacket, it’s a study of behavior personalities for people. The idea behind it is that each person has predictable actions and traits associated with them. These behaviors are broken into four categories and are assigned the colors Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue.

Red — Bold and brash, natural-born leaders with ambitious goals

Yellow — Talkative, social people, creative and outgoing

Green — Selfless people who are relaxed, friendly, and loyal

Blue — Detail-oriented, with sharp analytical minds

The author promises to break down each color and its traits with real-world examples. Then discuss how you can use that information to assess, relate, and communicate with…



Matt Inman

Writer, Tech, and Travel nerd. Connecting with amazing people to encourage you to take action in your life. Let’s talk —