Slow Down to Move Faster

Stop rushing and everything may come into focus.

Kit Campoy
Published in
4 min readApr 2, 2021


I have a leader in my life that uses this phrase a lot. Slow down to move faster.

She would visit stores and things would be wrong. Obvious things. Clothes are on the floor but the manager is walking around with a checklist on a clipboard. Everyone is busy, running around, but stuff just isn’t getting done. What’s going on?

Have you ever been in such a hurry that you miss what is in front of your face?

The other day I was trying to get a lot done at home. I was doing too many things at once. I was making rice. I had a small pot and I was looking everywhere for the lid. I couldn’t find it. I didn’t know what to do. I can’t make rice without a lid to my pot.

I grabbed a different pot, transferred the rice and water, and set it on the stove with the lid on. I turned around and there on the counter, right in front of me, was the lid I was looking for. How did I not see it? I was moving too fast.

Things get missed because we are in such a hurry. We are looking at our lists instead of what is around us. We look at the task ahead of us instead of the task that we are presently doing.

Sometimes we need to slow down and take a look around. Notice what is not working so that we…



Kit Campoy

I get to the point. Retail Leader → Freelance Writer. Leadership| Business| Web3|