Turn Your Fear of Missing Out Into the Joy of Exploring Life

3 tips to forget what others are doing

Matt Inman


My dog has a Fear of Missing Out(FOMO).

He follows us around the house from room to room to room. Then, finally, he’ll lay down, just getting comfortable, then we are up and moving again on to the new task.

He’s right there with us the whole time, following on our heels, observing us going about our day doing dishes, paying bills, vacuuming, and even going to the bathroom.

And it doesn’t stop there. When we’re gone, he lays at the top of the stairs so that he can see out the front door. Not so he can enjoy the view, but watching for us, waiting for the exciting time when we return.

He’s so worried that he will miss something. He will wake from a dead sleep, or worse, stop eating to follow us.

We all suffer from FOMO

It occurred to me that so many of us are like my dog. Always connected to your phones, afraid that you may miss the next big thing. Wondering if others are having more fun or experiencing better stuff.

It happens every day on social media, with so many people doing cool things you aren’t. It’s exhausting sometimes to watch these feeds — people taking nice vacations, buying…



Matt Inman

Writer, Tech, and Travel nerd. Connecting with amazing people to encourage you to take action in your life. Let’s talk — mattinman.com