What You Don’t Know About Introverts

Being an introvert doesn’t mean you are a loner

Keldan Rende


Photo by Ahmed Nishaath on Unsplash

What do you think of when you hear someone describe another person as “introverted”? We conjure an image of someone shy, doesn’t talk much, or maybe is a complete loner.

The first time someone attributed the word “introvert” to me was in high school. I was like, “Really? Do you even know me?”

In fairness, I did come down with mono around that time, so I wasn’t around much and was low energy when I was with people. But I did have friends, and when I wasn’t sick, I went to parties and did social things. I was in the drama club, for crying out loud! It didn’t get more extroverted than that.

Now that I am older and have some perspective, and have done some research, I see that no one is strictly introverted or completely extroverted. Although some of us are more prone to one than the other, it is more of a spectrum that changes based on what’s happened at the moment.

Misconceptions About Introverts

There are a lot of preconceived notions attached to the word “introvert.” However, everyone is different, and there is no black and white, one size fits all for being an introvert or extrovert. Some common misconceptions are:



Keldan Rende

I am a freelance writer, single mom, teacher, learner, and side hustler extraordinaire. I write about my observations of human nature. www.kellyrendecopy.com